„Exposición de Bicycletas Clásicas - Pasión por lo Clásico“ – Medina de Rio Seco, Spain +++++

The summer exhibition with many very nice machines which we have found on the Facebook. Very good event which was organized in old factory building "Harinas San Antonio" by Pasión por lo Clásico during weekend July 19/20th. Congratulation!!

All photos from Facebook Pasión por lo Clásico: https://www.facebook.com/raphael.occhiuzzi.1

143 - Pasión por lo Clásico

National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia, Terrassa, Spain +++++

Museum dedicated to research and dissemination of technical and scientific heritage that is part of a network of museums in Catalonia. It preserves and exhibits excellent collections of industrial products including bicycles, motorcycles, cars and other means of transport.

Address: CRambla d´Egara 270, 08221 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain

Contact: https://historiadeldisseny.org/en/museum-of-science-and-technology-of-catalonia-terrassa/

351/A Museum of Science and Technology, Terrassa

National Automobile Museum of Andorra, Encamp, Andorra +++++

Discover the origins and evolution of automobiles, from the 1885 steam engine to the sports cars of the 1980s. Three floors filled to capacity. We also find motorcycles and several bicycles. There are almost 150 historical machines in the museum deposit.

Address: Av. de Joan Martí, 64, AD200 Encamp, Andorra

Contact: https://automuseums.info/spain/salvador-claret-automobile-collection

366 - National Automobile Museum of Andorra

Collecció d'Automòbils Salvador Claret, Girona, Spain +++++

The Salvador Claret Automobile Collection, has its beginnings in 1950 when Mr. Claret purchased a Ford Model T of 1923, which, once restored, he used to ride. Gradually, the collection grew into a large museum full of technical interesting things.

Address: A2 Autovía del Nordeste, 697, 17410 Sils, Girona, Španělsko

Contact: https://automuseums.info/spain/salvador-claret-automobile-collection

365 - Collecció d'Automòbils Salvador Claret

Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum, Barcelona, Spain +++++

The Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum (Catalan: Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch) opened in 2007 at the Olympic Ring in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. The museum is located in front of the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium at the Montjuïc hill. In June 2010 it was renamed in honour of Juan Antonio Samaranch, who was president of the International Olympic Committee from 1980 to 2001 and a key person during the 1992 Summer Olympics, which were held in Barcelona.

The museum displays high-performance sport competitions, recreational sports, sports in general and sports for disabled people. It shows how sport can promote values, educate, innovate and renew. The museum has a sport idols space with outstanding players. It also hosts an area for mass sport and major events. It includes advanced technology and interactive multimedia installations.

One of the most emblematic collections of the museum was donated by the museum's namesake, Juan Antonio Samaranch.

Address: Av. de l'Estadi, 60, Sants-Montjuïc, 08038 Barcelona, Španělsko

Contact:  https://www.museuolimpicbcn.cat/es/

348/A - Olympic and Sport Museum, Barcelona

Canillo Motorcycle museum, Canillo - Andorra +++++

A large collection and cross-section of the entire history of motorcycle development. There are also historical bikes. This private collection, displayed in a large cable car station, is accessible all year round.

Address: Telecabina de Canillo, AD 100 Canillo, Andora

Contact: https://museus.ad/en/museums/motorcycle-museum

367 - Canillo Motorcycle museum

Museum of Funeral Carriages, Barcelona Spain

Velocipede lovers can admire the craftsmanship of manufacturer of wooden wheels, blacksmiths, joiners, upholsterers or painters on each machine.

350/A -velocipede wheels

A unique collection and exhibition of crafts.

Address: C/ del la Mare Déu de Port 56, Saints-Montjuic, 0838 Barcelona, Španělsko

Contact: https://www.barcelonaturisme.com/wv3/en/museu/18870/funeral-carriage-collection.html

350/B - Museum of Funeral Carriages

Museo Automovilistico de Málaga - Málaga, Spain

This museum is housed in one of most architecturally stunning buildings in Malaga - the old tobacco factory (Fabrica de Tabacos). Constructed in 1927, it has been carefully transformed to house a collection of more than 80 vintage and modern cars, alongside fashionable travel memorabilia from the 20s, 30s 40s and 50s to keep non-car fans happy.

If you are looking for antique bicycle, you will find these on photos and posters only, but the space measures 6000m2 is full very interesting antique and vintage cars..

Contakt: http://www.museoautomovilmalaga.com/en

111/A - Museo Automovilistico de Málaga

Expo Bicicletas de Antaňo, València - Spain

Exhibition - September to October 2022. All bikes private collection Martin Pivato

Address: Muzeo Histórico Municipal, Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 1, 46002 València, Španělsko


288 - Muzeo Histórico Municipal, Spain

Bizikletak 150 Urste Aňos, Expo Muzeo San Telmo, Spain

Coinciding with the Grand Depárt Tour de France 2023 in the Basque country, the „Bizikletak150 years“ exhibition presented a selection of some 80 bicycles belonging to the collection of Amador Tolosa. From the historical point of view, these samples allow us to see their evolucion, the brands manufactured here, bikes intended for differant uses and trades, and in the domain the sport.

Foto with thanks: El Diario Vasco a Museo San Telmo webside 

Address: Plaza Zuloaga 1, 20003 Donostia - San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Španělsko

Contact: https://www.santelmomuseoa.eus/index.php?lang=en

349/A - Expo Muzeo San Telmo

Muzeo San Telmo - pernament exhibition

349/B - Muzeo San Telmo